White Coats Funding and Administration
White Coats is a Not for Profit DGR (Deductible Good Recipient) registered Australian Charity founded in 2018. The Foundation was established in recognition of the need to raise awareness about the role of clinical trials in advancing medical science and healthcare.
With awareness comes access to information, knowledge and choices that has the potential to benefit people’s health and clinical trials can provide options to people in circumstances where treatment choices are limited or there are none.
We are delivering on this mission through a variety of initiatives that encourage listening, learning, collaborating, networking, and sharing. There are five arms to the White Coats Foundation
- Research Arm
- Education & Resources
- Fundraising
- Events
- Merchandise
Read more about our initiatives here
White Coats Foundation was co-founded by Christine Zahren, MAppSc (Acu), BSN, RN, and Fiona Cameron BBus CPM. Christine and Fiona are responsible for the day to day operational performance of the foundation. The governance of the foundation is led by a Board of Directors comprised of the co-founders and A/Prof Peter Foley MBBS, FACD
The strategic aims and direction of the foundation are supported and guided by an Advisory Board which includes an international team of industry professionals.
Our directors are volunteers who donate their time to the foundation.
Read more about our directors and advisory board here
Where does our funding come from?
WCF is largely a volunteer-run organisation that operates on the generosity of its founding Directors, other contributing members of the community/Industry and Advisory Board.
Read more about our team here.
The foundation’s initiatives and projects are funded by a variety of sources, including pharmaceutical companies, other private entities, and grants.
White Coats Foundation references sponsors and funding sources for each project and initiative on the website.
We are registered with the ACNC and submit an annual statement.
View our annual ACNC statement here: