The Webinar Series
White Coats Foundation Presents, a Two-Part Webinar
De-Mystifying Consumer and Community Involvement in Research
The Webinar Journey & Purpose
What is consumer and community involvement in research? Who are consumers? How can consumers use their knowledge, experience and insights to improve research, clinical care and outcomes for patients?
“As the users of health and medical services, consumers can provide valuable input to health and medical research. If such research is to continue to provide high quality outcomes, it is important that consumer involvement in research and its ongoing development is facilitated. This includes participation by consumers as equal partners in the development of research goals, questions, strategies, methodologies and information dissemination”- Statement on Consumer and Community Participation in Health and Medical Research, NHMRC and Consumer’s Health Forum of Australia, 2002.
Consumer participation in health in medical research has for a long time primarily been associated with participation as a ‘subject’ or clinical trial participant in a research trial. The scope for consumer involvement is much broader than this but how are we involving consumers and how are consumers being engaged in the broader scope of opportunities?
The White Coats Foundation takes a deep dive into “de-mystifying” consumer and community involvement in research via a two-part webinar series that aims to explore these issues and more.
The webinar series is an opportunity for stakeholders with an interest in or focus on consumer and community involvement in research to ask questions, share experiences, listen and learn from others who are effectively involving consumers in research. In bringing key stakeholders together we hope to raise awareness; foster improved understanding; help reduce duplication of effort, encourage collaboration, and identify any gaps in progress on current efforts to involve consumers
We aimed to:
- Provide clarification on what “consumer and community involvement” in research means.
- Provide insight into the training options available to support consumers with basic skills and knowledge to effectively engage in research.
- Explore the barriers to consumer engagement.
- Explore pathways that can facilitate the connection of researchers and consumers. These avenues are underdeveloped and need to be reviewed.
- Explore feedback mechanisms to consumers on outcomes of involvement and ensure participation is value adding.
The Paper
The discussion, questions and feedback throughout both webinars was passionate, inspiring and led to some interesting perspectives which we now share as a ‘Reflections Paper’- summarising key messages, recommendations and next steps from the series.
The Webinars
Webinar 1 -The Presentations
Wednesday, September 15th, 2021 – 1pm
This webinar includes presentations from key leaders on consumer and community involvement in research on 3 key topics with an opportunity for attendee interaction and discussion. We aim to clarify what consumer and community involvement in research means and look at the different ways in which consumers can be involved with reference to real life examples of consumer participation in research. We also explore the training options available to support consumer involvement in research and the benefits and value of training programs.
Watch Part 1 of Webinar
Webinar 2 - The Discussion
Wednesday, September 22nd, 2021 – 1pm
This webinar is a facilitated discussion with an expert panel and attendee participation. Three key topics have been selected for interactive discussion:
- How do consumers learn about and access opportunities to be involved in research?
- What are the barriers to consumer engagement?
- How do we ensure consumer involvement in research is value adding and not a tokenistic exercise?